Serving Massachusetts Injury Victims For Over 3 Decades
Book Your Free Legal Session With Kiley Law Group's Lowell, MA Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Suppose you are the victim of a motorcycle accident and sustained a personal injury; whoever is responsible needs to be held accountable. Physical injuries of anyone involved in motorcycle crashes are due to fair compensation from the at-fault party.
The most common injuries in a motorcycle accident include minor and serious injuries. Suppose the accident was caused by another person’s negligence or someone else’s fault. In that case, the victim may pursue compensation by undergoing a legal process to help foot their medical bills and make up for lost wages.
Lowell falls under the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and we will discuss its local ordinances and state safety standards below.
Motorcycle accident victims need legal representation in pursuing legal complaints against the negligent party. Our Lowell motorcycle accident attorneys are at your service.
We are a law firm that can help you with a personal injury claim. If you need an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer, you can count on us.
Our motorcycle accident attorneys prioritize anyone who sustains a personal injury due to a serious motorcycle accident. We can help you analyze your legal options during your free consultation with us.
Personal injury falls under Tort Law. Injuries suffered by pedestrians caused by a motorcycle rider involve many factors. If you don’t know your next move, you may be blind-sided by a defense lawyer offering you less than you are due.
Your pain, broken bones, and other personal injuries are worth more than you think. Certain long-term disabilities may come with traumatic brain injury and another serious injury. You need to know how much you are owed today.
An accident victim injured by a car accident or motor vehicle accident might not receive any compensation from the party at fault or be denied any financial help by their insurance company. Our attorneys will guide you through all legal facets.
If you don’t know the legalities involved in your case, you risk giving up more than just medical bills. A lawyer from the opposing party can come to you and offer you a lowball amount. If you aren’t familiar with the General Massachusets Laws > Part I > Title XIV > Chapter 89 > Sections 1 – 12, you might just take it.
Taking an amount and signing off on it from the defendant’s lawyer may render any of your future claims against them null and void. If you didn’t think to contact an attorney regarding property damage, personal injury, and anything that involves motorcyclists, think again.
You can contact us today by sending a text message to get a free consultation.
The Kiley Law Group has been in practice for over forty years. We have helped thousands of clients attain legal compensation, with over $500,000,000 in personal injury settlements.
Our attorneys don’t charge legal fees until our clients get paid first. We’ve helped clients all around Massachusetts earn just compensation against negligent individuals and companies.
We have helped our clients attain notable figures, with settlements amounting to $3,500,000 for Head Injury, $2,600,000 for Brain Injury, and $1,400,000 for Motorcyclist Crash, just to name a few.
Here are some frequently asked questions among victims of accidents in Lowell, Massachusetts.
Contact an attorney immediately. Chances are, the negligent party is already preparing to protect their assets. It would help if you prepared yourself for these events.
If you are involved in an accident in Massachusetts, contact our firm for a free consultation.
A Left-Turn Collision is when other motorists turn into your lane recklessly, colliding with your vehicle. Single-Motorcycle Accidents are when a crash is caused by skidding, sliding, and tipping with no other party’s involvement. Rear-End Accidents happen when another strikes your vehicle from behind. Possibly the worst of all types, Drunk Driving Accidents. Anyone under the influence controlling a motor vehicle is immediately considered the “at-fault party.”
There are a great many causes of motorcycle crashes. A lot of extenuating factors may cause a crash. However, motorcycle inspections help prevent serious crashes by maintaining vehicles giving the driver a better chance at controlling their vehicle from sudden obstacles. Motorists who follow road regulations also have better luck surviving serious crashes.
The most common motorcycle accident injuries involve the head, brain, and arm injuries.
Any personal injury or bodily harm caused by negligence is legally deplorable. While some injuries from vehicular accidents may only cause temporary pain, other injuries last your whole life.
A broken bone can last more than a few months and may never completely heal. These injuries cause more than physical damage.
On top of physical damages, victims may also seek mental and emotional damages. For motorists and pedestrians who project reckless disregard for human life, the victim may award punitive damages.
Courts may legally compel the plaintiff to pay compensatory and punitive damages. Compensatory damages compensate the victim for the plaintiff’s wrongdoing against them.
Punitive damages are awarded to the plaintiff to prevent the defendant from repeating the same actions against anyone else. It is also meant to serve as an example for others.
Typically, attorneys are paid a sum as soon as they take on a case, called a retainer.
Attorneys are held on retainer to handle all legal aspects of their client’s case. On top of their retainer, attorneys take a large percentage of their clients’ awards.
At the Kiley Law Group, clients are not charged a fee until they are awarded the court’s damages they are entitled to. Any attorney working at our firm prioritizes clients and what they are owed, not just our legal fees.
Legal firms specialize in different laws. Look for a firm that has an extensive background in personal injury cases.
Reputable firms also offer clients a free consultation beforehand. With comprehensive consultations, clients may better understand before committing any more time, energy, or finances to any motorcycle accident attorney.
A grave mishap can result in a serious injury or fatality. In Massachusetts, over 16% of motor vehicle-related fatalities are comprised of accidents involving motorcycles. According to a 2018 statistic, there were fifty-nine deaths of motorcyclists within Massachusetts roadways.
If you or a family member has been in a motorcycle accident, contact the Kiley Law Group today. We have an extensive background in personal injury cases including motorcycle accidents. Allow us to help you with the legal matters while you focus on healing from the injury.
We know how hard it can be for victims to overcome physical injuries and emotional stress caused by motorcycle accidents. You can send us an email to schedule your free consultation. For immediate help, call or text us at 888.435.1321. Our agents and client representatives will be standing by. Within your reach at any hour, any day of the week.
Massachusetts Accident Attorney Disclaimer: The personal injury legal information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice, nor the formation of a lawyer or attorney client relationship. Any results set forth herein are based upon the facts of that particular case and do not represent a promise or guarantee. Please contact an attorney for a consultation on your particular personal injury matter. This website is not intended to solicit clients for matters outside of the state of Massachusetts.