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Car Insurance Claims Do’s and Dont’s

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Understanding car insurance claims is critical for anyone driving in the modern age. An unfortunate but real prospect of owning a vehicle has to negotiate the often confusing and multilayered world of auto insurance claims. There are numerous do’s and don’ts that you must observe to make your claim a success, and sometimes it may feel overwhelming. This is why it’s beneficial to consult with a car insurance lawyer before making a claim. This lawyer, skilled in auto accident cases, can guide you through the complexities of an insurance claim, ensuring you get the compensation you deserve.

The Do’s of Car Insurance Claims

Reporting the accident

The first step after an auto accident is to report the accident to the police and your insurance company. This ensures that an official accident report is lodged, vital when lodging an insurance claim.

Seeking medical treatment

Regardless of how minor your accident-related injuries might seem, always seek medical treatment immediately. Not only it is important for your health, proving that you sought medical treatment is essential in bolstering your insurance claim or compensation request.

Collecting information

It’s imperative to gather as much information as possible from the accident scene. Obtain the other driver’s name, address, number plate details, and insurance information. If there are any witnesses, collect their contact information as well because this might be helpful in the insurance claim process or a potential legal case.

Taking pictures

Accident scene evidence is critical in car insurance claims. Photos can provide valuable evidence of the accident circumstances that could assist when negotiating with the insurance company. This includes pictures of the accident scene, vehicle damages, and your injuries.

Reviewing insurance coverage

Familiarize yourself with your car insurance policy and understand what is covered before negotiating with your insurance company. This allows you to know what to expect and avoid falling prey to any discrepancies that may arise in the claims process.

Saving receipts

From the time of the accident until the time your claim is settled, save every receipt related to accident-related expenses, including medical bills, car repair bills, and any incidental expenses caused by the accident.

Utilizing a personal injury attorney’s free consultation

Navigating insurance claims can be trying for many. This is why it’s important to use the consultation services of a car insurance lawyer or a personal injury attorney, like the ones at Kiley Law. They are experienced in handling auto accident cases and can better direct you on how to handle your claim.

The Don’ts of Car Insurance Claims

Avoid speculating or volunteering extra information

It’s crucial to be honest in your dealings with the insurance company, but it’s also important not to speculate or volunteer information that hasn’t been asked for. Only share necessary and truthful information related to the auto accident. Remember that anything you say can be used in the company’s favor during the negotiation process.

Not admitting fault

Even if you believe you might have contributed to the accident, refrain from admitting fault at the scene of the accident, to the police, or to your insurance company. Determining fault is a complicated process that involves reviewing accident reports, traffic laws, and sometimes a right-of-way-rules evaluation among others. A premature admission of fault can derail your claim process.

Not negotiating directly with the other driver

While it might be tempting to resolve the issue privately with the other driver, this approach usually backfires. They might not fully honor their commitment, or they may not have adequate funds to cover your accident-related expenses. Inform your insurance company about the accident and let them handle the negotiation process.

Not giving written statements before reviewing your policy

Before providing any written statements to the insurance company, take a moment to review your policy and even run your situation by an attorney. The legal language in your policy agreement can be difficult to understand, and you might unintentionally agree to something not in your best interest.

Not doing anything to worsen your injuries

It’s important to take care of yourself and follow all medical advice you receive after the accident. Failing to adhere to medical directives or intentionally doing things that worsen your injuries may complicate your insurance claim.

Not accepting an insurance agent’s evaluation without question

Having a lawyer in your corner can prove immensely beneficial when it comes to valuations given by insurance adjusters. Usually, these agents aim to pay as little as possible. A personal injury attorney can help ensure that the valuation is fair for all property damage, medical bills, and any other costs incurred due to the accident.

Not signing a settlement without consulting a lawyer

Settling an insurance claim can be a complex and arduous process, especially when determining fair compensation. Never sign a settlement agreement without making sure it has been reviewed by your attorney. They will help protect your legal rights and ensure that the settlement is fair and adequate according to your policy agreement.

Not signing a blanket medical authorization

Insurance companies may request access to your medical records to evaluate your claims better. However, giving such access without setting boundaries could lead to a privacy rights violation. Engage a lawyer to help you understand what you are signing and how to protect your privacy.

FAQs About Car Insurance Claims

Whose insurance to call in case of an accident

In the aftermath of a car accident, it’s advisable to call your insurance company first. This report initiates the claims process. While your insurance company is expected to liaise with the other party’s insurer, it’s also crucial to know the other driver’s insurance details for any potential legal proceedings.

The need for an attorney in making an insurance claim

Getting legal representation benefits you in so many ways when making a car insurance claim. A car insurance lawyer is conversant with all the legal processes involved in filing a lawsuit, can assist in drafting the complaint, and ensures all the legal procedures are followed, increasing your chances of a successful claim.

What to say to your insurance company

When reporting an accident to your insurance company, provide an accurate account of the incident without admitting fault. Remember to stick to the facts of the incident and limit the details to avoid giving the insurance company room to deny or undervalue your claim.

Handling accidents where fault may be partial

Partial fault accidents can complicate the claims process. Understanding the concept of comparative negligence, where blame is apportioned according to percentage, is crucial. Here, a car insurance lawyer’s expertise in navigating such insurance claims might prove invaluable.

Contacting an Attorney

Understanding the role of an attorney in navigating car insurance claims is critical to the claims process.

The role of an attorney in navigating insurance claims

A car insurance lawyer provides invaluable assistance by reviewing accident reports, determining liability, evaluating driver negligence among other tasks. They are skilled in negotiating with the insurance company, focusing on ensuring you receive fair compensation covering all accident-related expenses.

A knowledgeable lawyer can help in insurance claim settlement, ensuring that you receive full compensation for economic damages and non-economic damages relevant to your accident. They monitor the insurance company, caution against any attempts at violating your rights, and ensure you get a settlement commensurate with your insurance claim value.

As the complexities of navigating car insurance claims heighten, the importance of securing legal representation cannot be overstated. In Massachusetts, Kiley Law stands as an authoritative figure in personal injury law, guiding accident victims through the claims process. Through comprehensive accident investigation, insightful legal expertise, and dedicated client services, Kiley Law ensures their clients get the compensation they duly deserve without unnecessary hassle. Considering the roller-coaster that the insurance claims process can be, you’d do well to have Kiley Law in your corner.