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From Fender-Benders to Major Collisions: Manchester Car Accident Lawyers Explain Your Options

parking zone carCar accidents can disrupt lives in ways that are both immediate and far-reaching. Whether you have experienced a minor fender-bender or been involved in a major car accident, the aftermath can be confusing and stressful. From dealing with medical bills and repair costs to navigating complex insurance claims and understanding your legal rights, the road to recovery involves many crucial steps.

In this post, we will explore the legal options available to you, including pursuing a personal injury lawsuit. Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions and to help you seek the fair compensation you deserve.

Exploring Your Legal Options for a Car Accident

Car accidents vary greatly in terms of their severity, causes, and legal complexities. Each type of accident presents unique challenges and considerations, affecting the legal process and potential outcomes for those involved.

Understanding these differences is crucial for navigating the aftermath of an accident and securing appropriate compensation.

Rear-end collisions

Rear-end traffic accidents occur when one vehicle strikes another from behind. This type of accident is one of the most common types of accidents. According to a report by the National Safety Council, there were 3,680,000 rear-end collisions in the United States in 2022.

Such accidents often result from factors such as distracted driving, sudden stops, or tailgating. The rear vehicle usually has the responsibility to maintain a safe distance and be prepared to stop, making these accidents often straightforward in terms of assigning fault. Determining fault involves clearly proving that the rear driver was following too closely or failed to maintain proper control of his or her vehicle.

Despite the seemingly clear-cut nature of rear-end crashes, complexities can arise. For example, if the lead vehicle was stopped suddenly without reason, there might be arguments about shared fault.

Additionally, the extent of injuries and damages can vary, complicating the claim. Therefore, deciding between an insurance claim and a personal injury lawsuit for a rear-end accident is not always an easy choice.

The advantages of an insurance claim for a car accident are:

  • Simplicity and speed: A rear-end collision is often clear-cut in terms of fault, with the rear driver commonly found responsible. This straightforward determination can make the insurance claims process quicker and less complicated.
  • Immediate coverage: Filing an insurance claim can provide prompt financial relief, covering medical expenses, vehicle repairs, and lost wages without the delays associated with legal proceedings.
  • Low dispute risk: Given the clear nature of fault in many rear-end accidents, disputes with the insurance company are often minimal, facilitating a smoother claims process.

On the other hand, some might choose to pursue a lawsuit for the following reasons:

  • Severe injuries or extensive damages: If the rear-end accident results in severe injuries or significant property damage that exceeds insurance coverage, pursuing a personal injury lawsuit might be necessary to secure full compensation.
  • Insurance company disputes: In situations where the insurance company denies the claim or offers an inadequate settlement, a lawsuit can be an effective way to challenge their decision and seek fair compensation.
  • Long-term impacts: For ongoing medical issues or chronic pain resulting from the accident, a lawsuit can help seek compensation for long-term care and suffering beyond what insurance coverage provides.

T-bone accidents

A T-bone accident, also known as side-impact accident, occurs when one vehicle crashes into the side of another, forming a “T” shape. These accidents typically happen at intersections, where one vehicle may run a red light or fail to yield the right-of-way. Due to the lack of side protection in many vehicles, T-bone accidents can result in severe injuries.

Determining fault in T-bone accidents often revolves around which driver had the right-of-way and whether any traffic signals or signs were ignored. Evidence such as traffic camera footage, witness statements, and police reports are crucial in establishing fault. The injured party needs to prove that the other driver’s failure to comply with traffic laws directly resulted in the accident and their injuries.

The severity of T-bone accidents can lead to complicated injury claims when multiple vehicles or parties are involved. Additionally, in cases where both parties have conflicting accounts or the accident occurred in a high-traffic area, gathering clear evidence becomes crucial.

Reasons to consider pursuing a car accident lawsuit are:

  • Severe injuries and high damages: T-bone accidents can result in serious injuries, especially if a driver or passenger is in the line of impact. Unlike the front and rear of a vehicle, designed with crumple zones to absorb and dissipate impact energy, the sides of most vehicles offer limited protection. This lack of cushioning means that passengers sitting on the side of the vehicle are more vulnerable to significant injuries. If damages exceed insurance coverage limits, a lawsuit might be necessary to secure full compensation for all medical expenses, lost wages, and other losses.
  • Compensation considerations: Due to the potential severity of injuries in T-bone accidents, medical expenses can be substantial.
  • Fault disputes: When there are disagreements about right-of-way or negligence, a personal injury lawsuit can help resolve these disputes and ensure a fair outcome.
  • Long-term or permanent impacts: The injuries sustained in a T-bone accident can have long-lasting effects on a person’s quality of life. Chronic pain, permanent disability, or psychological trauma may require additional compensation to cover ongoing treatment and lost earning capacity. A lawsuit can enable you to seek compensation for future medical costs, lost earning capacity, and long-term suffering that insurance may not fully cover.

Still, some might consider an insurance claim for the following reasons:

  • Clear fault determination: T-bone accidents frequently involve clear fault scenarios, such as running a red light or failing to yield due to either not paying attention or outright negligence. If liability is evident, filing an insurance claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company can efficiently cover medical bills and vehicle repairs.
  • Quick resolution: Insurance claims facilitate prompt coverage for medical expenses and vehicle damage, addressing urgent needs and providing immediate financial relief.
  • Policy coverage: If both drivers have adequate insurance coverage, the claims process can cover a significant portion of damages, allowing for a straightforward resolution without lengthy legal battles.

Multi-vehicle crashes

Multi-vehicle crashes, often referred to as chain-reaction accidents, are among the most complex types of car accidents due to the complexity of determining liability.

In multi-vehicle crashes, involving more than two cars, each involved vehicle typically has its own insurance policy. Coordinating claims and negotiations can be cumbersome, and the damages and injuries may be extensive and varied.

Handling claims through multiple insurance policies can streamline the process, especially if liability is clearly distributed among the parties. Insurers often have procedures in place for coordinating coverage, which can help expedite the resolution of claims and ensure that victims receive the compensation they need.

On the other hand, multi-vehicle crashes often involve multiple drivers and varying degrees of fault. Determining liability can be challenging, as it requires a thorough investigation into each party’s actions and contributions to the accident.

When insurance claims fail to resolve disputes or clarify fault, a lawsuit can address these issues through the legal process. This ensures that all responsible parties are identified and held accountable, leading to a more equitable outcome for the victim.

Fender-bender accidents

Fender-benders, often referred to as minor collisions or low-impact accidents, typically involve minimal damage to vehicles and usually occur at low speeds.

While such accidents might seem inconsequential, the reasons behind these accidents and the decision to pursue an insurance claim or lawsuit can still have significant implications.

Common causes of fender-benders are:

  • Distracted driving: One of the leading causes of fender-benders is distracted driving. Drivers who are texting, talking on the phone, or engaging in other distractions may fail to notice sudden stops or slow traffic, leading to minor collisions.
  • Tailgating: Following too closely behind another vehicle reduces the time a driver has to react to sudden changes in traffic conditions. Tailgating can result in rear-end collisions.
  • Sudden drops: Abrupt stops by one vehicle can catch the following driver off guard, especially if the following driver is not maintaining a safe distance. This can lead to a minor collision where the vehicles involved are slightly damaged.

If the damages from a fender-bender are relatively minor and the costs of repairs fall within your insurance policy’s coverage limits, filing an insurance claim can be an appropriate course of action.

Additionally, when injuries are minor or not apparent, an insurance claim can address the costs associated with vehicle repairs and any minor medical expenses. This approach provides a quick resolution without the need for extensive legal action.

Some reasons to consider a personal injury lawsuit are:

  • Delayed injuries: Some injuries from fender-benders are not immediately apparent. If symptoms develop later and are related to the accident, such as whiplash or back pain, a personal injury lawsuit may be necessary to address ongoing medical treatment and compensation for any long-term effects.
  • Significant damages: If the damages from the accident are more severe than initially assessed or if repairs are extensive, a lawsuit may be necessary to cover all costs and ensure that compensation is adequate for the extent of the damages.
  • Exceeding policy limits: If the damages or injuries exceed the limits of available insurance coverage, a personal injury lawsuit can help obtain additional compensation. This is particularly important for covering major medical costs or property damage.

Hit-and-run accidents

Hit-and-run accidents occur when the at-fault driver flees the scene of the accident. When this happens, victims can file a claim with their own insurance company under uninsured motorist coverage if the responsible party cannot be located. Still, it’s hard to secure enough compensation if their insurance coverage is inadequate.

If the hit-and-run driver is later identified, a personal injury lawsuit is one way to hold the driver accountable and seek compensation for additional damages.

Essential Steps Before Deciding Between a Lawsuit and an Insurance Claim

The decisions you make in the hours and days following the car accident can significantly impact your ability to seek compensation and your overall recovery. Whether you are contemplating pursuing a personal injury lawsuit or filing an insurance claim, taking the following steps from the outset is crucial.

Seek medical attention

You should seek medical attention right away, even if you feel fine. Some injuries may not present symptoms immediately but could have serious long-term consequences.

Visiting a healthcare provider ensures that all injuries are documented and treated. This will not only protect your health but also provide crucial evidence for any future legal claims or insurance disputes.

Take your car to an auto body shop

Obtaining accurate repair estimates is a crucial step in assessing the damage to your vehicle and understanding the financial impact of the accident.

Take your vehicle to a reputable auto body shop to get written repair estimates. This will give you a clear picture of the damage and the costs involved to get your car repaired. It’s wise to get at least three estimates to compare and ensure fairness.

File a police report

A police report provides an official record of the accident and can be critical in determining liability. Ensure that a report is filed with local law enforcement and obtain a copy for your records.

This accident report will include details such as the location of the accident, the parties involved, and any citations issued – all of which can be used to support your claim or lawsuit.

Document your property damage and repair costs

Obtain written estimates and keep all receipts related to any other damaged property. This information will be important for both your insurance claim and any potential lawsuit, as it helps establish the financial impact of the accident.

Whatever legal options you pursue, taking these steps and working closely with your car accident lawyer and his or her legal team can help you pursue compensation and seek the justice you deserve.

Get the Help You Need After a Manchester Car Accident

If you have been involved in a car accident, whether it’s a minor fender-bender, a perplexing rear-end accident, or a major collision, navigating the aftermath can be overwhelming. Understanding your rights and options is crucial when securing the compensation you deserve.

At our Kiley Law Group, each car accident lawyer on our team is dedicated to helping accident victims like you navigate the complex legal landscape, from filing insurance claims to pursuing personal injury lawsuits.

Your well-being, financial stability, and peace of mind are too important to leave to chance. Now is the time to act and take control of your situation. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a car accident lawyer to discuss your case and explore your legal options. Complete our online form to get started.