Danger in the Rear View
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Top Rear-End Accident Injury Representation at Kiley Law Group

Rear-end collisions are the most common type of car accident, making up around 30 percent of all traffic accidents every year. Because of the nature of these accidents, it is generally easy to determine fault in a rear-end accident – the negligence of the rear driver. The prevalence of distracted drivers on electronic devices being used in the car contributes to the consistency in which these accidents happen. Drivers glance at their cell phones or GPS devices, taking their eyes off the road, limiting the reaction time they have to make stops or avoid hazards. This leaves other drivers at risk.

There are a few rare instances where the lead vehicle bears some level of liability for a rear-end collision, such as:

  • slamming on the brakes without a valid reason
  • reversing suddenly
  • continuing to drive with a mechanical problem or flat tire and not using hazard lights or pulling over, and
  • not repairing a broken brake light or other faulty equipment.

Rear-end accidents commonly cause whiplash, a soft tissue injury that causes the head to whip backward, causing injuries to the neck, shoulders, and upper back. While these injuries are generally considered minor, they can take hours upon hours of rehabilitation and care to return to normal. Additionally, there are more serious injuries from rear-end accidents, and could be as serious as death. Rear-end accidents are not to be taken lightly, and deserve the full attention of a knowledgeable personal injury attorney.

Kiley Law Group has 40 years of experience protecting the victims of rear-end accidents in Massachusetts. The attorneys with the firm have fought hard and passionately to be able to deliver the results the victims and their families need. If you or a family member was hurt in a rear-end accident or other accident caused by unsafe premises, please call us today for your free consultation.

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If You or Someone You Love Has Been Injured in a Rear-End Accident, Contact the Attorneys at Kiley Law Group

Unfortunately, you cannot predict when you will be impacted by a defective product, so it’s impossible to prepare. However, the attorneys at Kiley Law Group are knowledgeable and able to handle your case. For more than 40 years, the team has represented the injured in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

Contact Kiley law Group today for your free case evaluation. Recovery for your injury can’t wait.

For more information on Rear-end Accidents, click below

Common Causes of Rear-end Car Accidents

Rear-end accidents are one of the most common types of car accidents seen on Massachusetts roads. Various risky behaviors and environmental hazards can increase the chances of these accidents occurring.

Rear-End Collisions caused by Distracted Driving

We all know the risks involved when driving while distracted, and the laws keep changing in order to address these dangers. In 2020, the State of Massachusetts enacted traffic laws making it illegal to use an electric device without hands-free mode enabled.

Unfortunately, distracted driving is a dangerous practice that continues to put millions of drivers at risk. It could include anything from texting or talking on the phone or even adjusting the dials on the radio or GPS.

When drivers are distracted behind the wheel, they are less aware of what is going on around them. Response time is reduced, and it is more difficult to react to changes in traffic and avoid rear-end collisions.

Aggressive Driving Accidents

While everyone on the road has somewhere to go, it seems as if some drivers are more in a rush than others. Rather than being content to follow the rules of the road, including the speed limit, some drivers are aggressive and pose an increased risk to others.

Another sign of an impatient or aggressive driver is the following distance. A recommended following distance exists to allow drivers the time necessary to come to a stop without hitting the other vehicle. When drivers are not following these safety precautions, they are more likely to cause a rear-end collision.

Faulty Brakes or other Mechanical Problems

While many rear-end accidents are caused by negligent driving, sometimes a mechanical failure is to blame. Car manufacturing companies are responsible for ensuring the vehicles and parts they use meet safety and quality standards before being sold. Despite the standards in place in the automotive industry, there are safety recalls for unsafe parts each year.

If a car has faulty brakes or tires, this can make it difficult or impossible for a driver to safely come to a stop and avoid a crash. Some rear-end collisions also happen because the vehicle in front had malfunctioning brake lights, making it hard for the other driver to know the vehicle ahead was slowing down.

Hazardous Weather Conditions

Each year, when the weather starts to turn, residents throughout Massachusetts know that we may be in for another season of cold, snowy weather. There are practical steps drivers can take to prepare for winter driving, including changing to winter tires and taking more precautions than usual.

Even when precautions are taken, though, slippery or icy roads can make it nearly impossible to stop in time to avoid a rear-end collision. A driver who hits a patch of ice before an intersection or stop sign might slide into the car in front, causing damage and pain for all involved.

Physical Injuries caused by Rear-End Collisions

Many rear-end collisions happen when one car is stopped and another vehicle crashes into it from behind. In some cases, the driver and passengers may not have seen the vehicle and had no chance to brace for impact.

Rear-end collisions can be the cause of various injuries, including:

  • Whiplash
  • Herniated disc
  • Muscle tear or sprain
  • Broken bones

Certain injuries, like a laceration or broken bone, are often easy to notice. Sometimes, though, the injuries you suffered after an accident are not as obvious. You might initially think you are okay after a crash, but the negative effects of the accident can take days or weeks to appear.

After a rear-end collision, make sure to see a doctor right away. The sooner you receive medical attention and begin treatment, the sooner you will be on the path to recovery. Seeing a doctor soon after an accident and documenting any visits can help you later on when you file your claim.

Types of Property Damage caused by Rear-End Collisions

Even a seemingly minor rear-end accident can cause more damage than expected. After an initial visual inspection, you might think your car is okay, but sometimes the damage is hidden or not immediately visible.

Some types of property damage that can be caused by a rear-end collision include:

  • Suspension damage
  • Alignment issues
  • Exhaust system damage
  • Frame damage

In order to know the extent of damage to your vehicle, it is important to get a professional assessment. This can help your lawyer ensure you receive the compensation needed for your property damage.

How Insurance Companies Work?

Paying your car insurance bill each month is a routine part of life. Of course, even though you pay to have insurance coverage, you hope to never be in a situation to need it. When you do get into an accident, though, you don’t expect any problems – after all, this is what you have been paying for all these years.

It’s important to remember that, at the end of the day, insurance companies are businesses. Just like any good business, they are always looking for ways to cut costs and increase profit margins. One way they can do this is by increasing the cost of coverage. Another common method of theirs is reducing or denying claims.

These practices can make it difficult for car accident victims to receive the compensation they deserve – even though they may have sufficient insurance coverage for a personal injury. If you have been hurt in a car accident in Massachusetts, don’t deal with the insurance company until you have consulted with a car accident attorney.