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Brain Injuries

Top Brain Injury Representation at Kiley Law Group

Our brain is considered perhaps to be the most important organ in the human body. It is essentially what makes us human. Every action and reaction is controlled by the brain, which also gives us the ability to think, feel and have memories. When you experience an injury to your head that affects your brain, it can be life altering as the injured struggle with physical, cognitive, emotional, communicative, and psychological impairments. Brain injuries are the most dangerous type of injury a human can sustain and many require extensive rehabilitation at a very high cost to the victim and his or her family, both emotionally and financially.
brain injury lawyers
brain injury attorneys

Common Types of Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) occur as a result of physical trauma to the head that disrupts the normal function of the brain. It is clear that a traumatic brain injury has occurred when there has been an impact to the head and the victim has a fractured skull, a bleed on the brain, or is in a coma. Some brain injuries are not as obvious and are considered mild brain injuries. These should, however, still be taken very seriously and treated just as if it were a TBI. Ten to fifteen percent of victims who suffer mild brain injuries report that a year after the incident, they continue to suffer from headache, dizziness and neck pain, and symptoms often worsen over time if they are untreated. So many brain injuries occur on the road as a result of a negligent driver in auto, motorcycle, and truck collisions adversely affecting physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities of the victim.

Acquired brain injuries (ABI) do not involve trauma from an outside force, but can be the result of strokes, infections, hypoxia, and medical errors. These are very serious injuries and have a likelihood of leaving permanent disabilities that require ongoing treatment and therapy. Many of these brain injuries are the result of the negligence, wrongdoing, or inaction of another.
No Fee Until We Win

The Massachusetts brain injury attorneys at the Kiley Law Group understand the far-reaching effects of brain injuries.

In more than 50 years of service, our lawyers have helped numerous brain injury victims and their families recover the financial peace of mind they need to cope with the long-term impacts of these life-altering injuries. If you or a loved one suffered a brain injury due to another’s recklessness, please contact us today for a free consultation and to learn how we can help you.
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Massachusetts Accident Attorney Disclaimer: The personal injury legal information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice, nor the formation of a lawyer or attorney client relationship. Any results set forth herein are based upon the facts of that particular case and do not represent a promise or guarantee. Please contact an attorney for a consultation on your particular personal injury matter. This website is not intended to solicit clients for matters outside of the state of Massachusetts.
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