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Truck Accidents

Trucking is a necessity;
being injured by one is not

Car drivers have long been taught that sharing the road with pedestrians and the drivers of other motor vehicles is an essential part of safety on the road. Being as safe as possible becomes even more essential when considering that semi-trucks, 18-wheel hauling trucks and commercial vehicles can be three times the size of a typical sedan. This means three times the force when in an accident, which is why collisions with trucks cause serious injuries, if not death, to those in cars and on motorcycles.

Around 500,000 trucking accidents occur each year in the United States, with about 5,000 per year resulting in death. Typically, truck accidents are caused by the fatigue of the truck operator, as they work long hours to meet the demands of their employers’ schedules. Driving while drowsy has side effects like those of someone driving under the influence of alcohol; fatigue may cause impaired judgment, delayed reactions and loss of attention on the road. Those driving cars and motorcycles need to remain vigilant and attentive around commercial trucks, making sure to leave enough space between themselves and the vehicle to ensure safe passage for both vehicles.

The attorneys at Kiley Law Group have represented the injured victims of truck accidents many times, arguing their cases to obtain the resources the injured party needs to recover. Tom Kiley and his team have successfully defended the injured in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, and will fight for you and your loved ones.
Truck accident lawyers
No Fee Until We Win

If Someone You Love Has Been Involved in an Accident With a Commercial Truck, Contact Kiley Law Group​

The personal injury attorneys at Kiley Law Group understand the extensive medical costs, long-term rehabilitation and lost wages that can burden accident victims and their families. We also know how difficult it can be to receive fair compensation from trucking companies and their insurance providers without legal representation, and we have more than 50 years of experience recovering the financial security injury victims need to restore their lives. If you were hurt or a loved one was killed in a truck accident, please call Kiley Law Group for your free consultation with a knowledgeable lawyer.
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Massachusetts Accident Attorney Disclaimer: The personal injury legal information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice, nor the formation of a lawyer or attorney client relationship. Any results set forth herein are based upon the facts of that particular case and do not represent a promise or guarantee. Please contact an attorney for a consultation on your particular personal injury matter. This website is not intended to solicit clients for matters outside of the state of Massachusetts.
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