When your life has been devastated by personal injury or the injury or loss of a loved one, your world turns upside down. It is hard enough to regain your footing and get from one day to the next without having also to wade through evidence and court documents, submit to grueling interviews and single-handedly fight defense lawyers and insurance agents just to get the help you need. Medical and funeral expenses can be astronomical, necessary wages are often lost and time is stolen from family and friends. You do not have to do this alone. Let us help.
Kiley Law Group Office in Andover, MA
Tell us about your case, or call our toll free number: 888.733.9203
Free consultations at our Andover office, or your home.
The Massachusetts personal injury lawyers at Kiley Law Group will walk with you every step of the way. We will fight beside and for you. We will help you hold accountable those whose actions brought about your overwhelming loss. You are not alone.